
The purpose of this Bulletin_104 is to provide links to Online Sources.

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Our recent page on Bridge-repair  introduces an overview.

It is limited in scope to repair of welded steel bridges.

The present List of Links may provide useful references to those looking for specific answers to their particular questions.

The responsibility of those in charge of Bridge Maintenance and Repair is very heavy as it must assure the safety of users.

Strict adherence to the requirements of the pertinent Codes is essential.

This Bulletin_104 intends to supply a useful Reference List to add further information to that of our website page quoted above.

This Bulletin_104 can be kept handy for reference when required, to reach Resources when they may be needed.

Mid January Bulletin

January 2015 - Bridge Repair Resources - Bulletin_104

PWL#137B - Bulletin_104: Resources on Bridge Maintenance and Repair, Bridge Welding Code, Manuals, Handbooks, Underwater Bridge Repair, Rehabilitation, and Countermeasures, Repair and Retrofit of Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges, Bridge Preventive Maintenance and Repair Handbook, Guidelines For Identification of Steel Bridge Members, Structures Repair Guidelines, Design Inspection and Repair Manual and much more...

The references published in this Bulletin_104 were selected to provide useful knowledge to our readers.

The addresses reported hereafter in this Bulletin_104 were live and correct at the time of their publication.

There is no guarantee that they will always be so, because they are administered by the sources themselves and are under their control.

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Note: References to articles or other documents are given here in one of two forms.

If the links are "live" (usually underlined or otherwise highlighted) they are operated with a click of the mouse.

If they are URL's (Uniform Resource Locator), which is the analogue of an address, they begin with "http://..." or "www.".

These are not live and must be copied and pasted entirely into the browser (after having selected them with the mouse or otherwise).

If they are long they may be displayed in two or more lines.

In that case one has to care that the URL be copied completely in a single line without any space, and Enter.

If the information is important to you, you may save the downloaded selected pages in a suitable folder on your Computer for easy reference.

You are welcome  to forward this Bulletin_104 Resources page to those of your friends who may profit of this information.

Bulletin_104 - Resources

An American National Standard
A Joint Publication of American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
and the American Welding Society
AWS D1.5

AASHTO Bookstore - Books and Specifications
AASHTO Bookstore.

AWS Online Library (Useful Links)

Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair (186 pages)
ARMY TM 5-600 - AIR FORCE AFJPAM 32-1088

Non-expeditionary Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair
(56 pages)

Underwater Bridge Repair, Rehabilitation,and Countermeasures (137 pages)

Manual for Repair and Retrofit of Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges (134 pages)

Repair of Bridge Structural Steel Elements Manual (18 pages)

Bridge Maintenance and Repair Handbook (203 pages)

Guidelines For Identification of Steel Bridge Members (8 pages)

Manuals - California Department of Transportation
(List of Links to Documents)

Structures Repair Guidelines (79 pages)

WSDOT Bridge Design Manual M 23-50.12 August 2012
Chapter 6 Structural Steel (46 pages)

Bridge Inspection Manual - Washington State DoT
(List of Links to Documents)

Bridge Repair Manual (2nd Edition) - DPWH (296 pages)
Deparment of Public Works and Highways
Japan International Cooperation Agency

Bridge Manual 2012 -
Bridge Anatomy, Preventive Maintenance, Bridge Repair and Rehabilitation
(264 pages)
Del DOT.

ODOT On-line Bridge Maintenance Manual (List of Links)

Bridge Maintenance Manual - SIIMS
Iowa DOT.

Evaluation of Appropriate Maintenance,
Repair and Rehabilitation Methods
for Iowa Bridges
(115 pages)

Bridge inspection and maintenance manual
- 4: Structural Steel
(12 pages)

Structure and Bridge Manuals, Guides,
Instructional and Informational Memoranda and Forms

(List of Links to Documents)

Bridge Inspection Manual - NewYork State DoT (416 pages)

Repair and Strengthening of Bridge Substructures (292 pages)
Thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Science

The Manual of Bridge Engineering

Bulletin_104 - Information

This publication, Bulletin_104, is not distributed by e-mail. It is reported in the Website Welding Blog.

Links to the Mid Month Bulletin Pages are listed in the regularly updated page on Welding Resources

We urge our readers to Bookmark this page or to subscribe to our Welding Site Blog RSS by clicking on the orange buttons under the NavBar in each Website page, to get immediate notice of every new published page. (www.welding-advisers.com)

You may also click periodically on the Welding Blog button in the NavBar.

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You are invited to contribute from your thoughts and experience: visit our new page, reachable by clicking on Welding Talk and typing or copying directly in the form.

Or just write a note and send it to us: Comments, Feedback and your Original Contributions! all are welcome.

To reach a Guide to the collection of the most important Articles from Past Issues of Practical Welding Letter,
click on Welding Resources.

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Site Map

We used to remind to our readers titles and links to our informative pages on:

  • welding basics,
  • welding processes,
  • welding materials and
  • other welding related subjects.

We are informed that publishing a list of internal links in website pages, is judged as objectionable practice by companies that grade the relevance of the page content to users' usefulness.

Therefore, in an effort to comply with the above requirement, we remove the usual list appearing in this location, and urge our readers to use the Site Map to locate the pages that might provide them the answers to their questions.


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